Hiking the Trail to East Lake
The trail to East Lake climbs about 1,400 feet in 3.5 miles. The first half-mile is fairly level and then the climb begins at moderate rate for the rest of the way up to the lake.
Green Creek to Green Lake,
2.5 miles
Trail turns to dirt road and then to trail again for the first easy mile along Green Creek. Then the route begins to climb with a few switchbacks. Fortunately these uphill sections are short and never difficult.
A little beyond 2 miles, pass a sign indicating the turnoff to West Lake. Soon afterward you arrive at Green Lake. In early spring, crossing some of the creeks could be difficult. Look upstream for log crossings.
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Good campsites are available around Green Lake on either side of the outlet stream.

Green Lake
Green Lake to East Lake,
1 mile
East Lake waits hardly more than a mile beyond Green Lake. While you may find several parties camping at Green Lake, by continuing to East Lake you will have a choice of excellent campsites. The trail climbs through the forest, often crossing small creeks. As you approach the lake, the trail begins to level out.