Hiking from North Lake to South Lake,
Part I
This popular trip starts on the east side of the Sierra at North Lake, passes through some of the most scenic areas of Kings Canyon National Park, and then loops back around to South Lake. The 54.4-mile journey leads over 3 high passes and deep into the LeConte Canyon. Hikers in good condition will enjoy every step of the trip.
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North Lake to Piute Creek Bridge,
16.7 miles
A fairly easy trail leads to the top of Piute Pass. Beyond, spreads Humphreys Basin. Most trail maps are somewhat vague and multiple use-trails crisscross the basin. The trail sweeps around the north side of the basin for about 4 miles before eventually joining Piute Creek. As long as you end up headed down Piute Creek, you are good.
Fine campsites are available along Piute Creek and after 6 miles from the top of the pass at Hutchinson Meadow. More campsites are located along the creek downstream from Hutchinson Meadow for a mile. Beyond that, the trail enters steep and rugged Piute Canyon, descending another 4 miles to the Piute Creek bridge and the junction with the John Muir Trail.
Campsites are found soon after the bridge and farther upstream near a second bridge.

Piute Creek
Piute Creek Bridge to Evolution Valley,
7.6 miles
From the Piute Creek Bridge the trail parallels the South Fork San Joaquin River for 4 miles of easy travel up to the confluence of Evolution Creek with the San Joaquin. Cross the river on a bridge and find a nice campsite among the trees. A little father on the trail begins a steep climb up to Evolution Valley. Switchbacks lead the first 700 feet of climbing and then a gradual ascent along Evolution Creek.
At the entrance to Evolution Valley the trail crosses the creek, a difficult pro position early in the season when water levels are high. The best choice any time of year is to continue upstream on a use-trail for 800 feet to a meadow and popular ford where the creek is shallower.
Four-mile-long is a series of meadows - Evolution Meadow, McClure Meadow, and Colby Meadow. A ranger station is located at McClure Meadow. Nice campsites are available all along Evolution Valley.